When considering the purchase of Las further, try to arrange the apples against apples, and use simple formula to consider inter-nimbang characteristics similar unit.
The normal method of selection is the foundation of your next purchase on previous experience with the products of the past, and the level of customer satisfaction achieved by the Producer Support Operations (Customer Care and Technical Support). The second criteria, the call evaluation of how the manufacturer stands behind the product, andto what level.
For other customers, that's only a matter of choice of colors: Red, Blue, Yellow, or Purple.
That's right - it's all about the color of Las! Different sports different Case manufacturers (pen) color for their products. For example, in the United States: Lincoln Electric to use Red, while Miller used Electric Blue. Heaven forbid if the opposition has more features and better stability of the Arc. If color is not so brainer! Many U.S. customersvery loyal to there favorite producers. This is the Case of persons, such as with our cars, Motorcycles, Tractors, and Sports Teams.
Now - Forget the color, and emotional past-Give the formula is tried:
Welder Rating = root [square ((I'm rated x I rated yet) × (given the task cycle)) ÷ (100)] / 10 + (Total Choice x 5)
This equation will produce the numerical value of 100 points. An interpreter las eye quality means characteristics of output current greater than or more, orcombination of both. This can be used to compare each product with the current interpreter las 500 AMPS or less. This equation is inherent to give greater weight to the output current, the current output Las determining class. For example: A Las 160Amp rare compared to the Las 300a (even though this formula allows).
Choice is categorized as follows:
If Las TIG is a Power Supply, only calculate the number of options for the model under consideration,based on the following list:
1. Inverter designs
2. Output AC / DC
3. Lift TIG
5. Gas solenoid internal control
6. Pulse Mode Operation
7. Programmable Weld Parameter
8. Remote connector
9. Multiple Input tension
10. Designed the United States, and Diproduksi
If Las the Power Supply with MIG Wire feeder using the same formula, but change the options to:
1. Inverter designs
2. Weld Switchable Polaritas
3. Contractors Movies
4.Gas solenoid internal control
5. Pulse Mode operation with the selected Weld Parameter
6. Timer function (Spot, Stitch, 2T, 4t)
7. Cooperative operations
8. Spool Gun Antarmuka
9. Multiple Input tension
10. Designed the United States, and Diproduksi
OK - let's try it, and install the numbers for the Amp 300 (40% task cycle) AC / DC TIG Inverter with Lift begin, start HF, a gas solenoid, and Remote connectors. This does not have advanced features, will run from 460VAC, and is not madein the United States.
Welder Rating = root [square ((300 x 300) x (40)) ÷ (100)] / 10 + (30)
Rating = 60 welder
Note that some options can show total deafness. For U.S. customers, when given a choice, people will avoid buying non-US products - such as plague. Therefore, the decision to Option 10 will meniadakan step further!
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